Grace Pest Management
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Mosquito Season: Time to be Prepared
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Mosquito season starts slowly in the spring, when warm weather brings out the first of the bugs, peaks in summer, and tapers off into fall, when humans and animals finally get a break from the annoying and sometimes dangerous bites of these little critters. That's if they live where winters get cold. Mosquitoes don't go away for good until the first freeze, followed by temperatures consistently below 50 degrees. In the southern continental U.S. and Hawaii, there may be at least a little mosquito activity year round.
In locations where a warm spring follows a cold winter, some species of mosquitoes emerge from hibernation, while others are born from eggs laid last year. Different species have different life cycles, habitats and tolerance to cold, but almost all the females need to start looking for a meal of blood after they've mated, in order to produce eggs. That's when humans begin to notice them.
The exact start of the season depends on both temperature and rainfall. Mosquitoes that hibernate need warm weather to become active, while mosquitoes that spend the winter as eggs need rainfall to flood the eggs and make them hatch.
Are You Dealing With Bedbugs?
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Adult bed bugs are about 3/16” long and reddish-brown, with oval-shaped, flattened bodies. They are sometimes mistaken for ticks, cockroaches, carpet beetles or other household insects. The immature bed bugs (nymphs) resemble the adults, but are smaller and lighter in color. Bed bugs do not fly, and they don’t jump like fleas do ― but they can crawl rapidly over floors, walls, ceilings and other surfaces. Adult females lay their eggs in secluded places, depositing 1, 2 or more eggs per day, potentially hundreds during their lifetime. The eggs are tiny (about the size of a dust spec), whitish and hard to see without magnification, especially on light-colored surfaces. When first laid, the eggs are sticky, causing them to adhere to surfaces. At room temperatures, bed bug eggs hatch in about a week. Newly emerged nymphs are straw-colored and no bigger than a pinhead.